How to make rosemary water for hair? Beautiful and healthy hair is a desire shared by many, and it’s no secret that natural remedies often outshine commercial products. Rosemary water is one such remedy that has gained popularity for its potential to promote hair growth and improve hair health. In this comprehensive guide, we will explore the benefits of rosemary water for hair and provide you with step-by-step instructions on how to make and use this natural hair treatment.

How to make rosemary water for hair

The Benefits of Rosemary Water for Hair

Before delving into the process of making rosemary water for your hair, it’s important to understand the numerous benefits it offers. Rosemary, a fragrant herb commonly used in cooking, is rich in antioxidants, anti-inflammatory properties, and essential nutrients. When applied to the hair and scalp, rosemary water can provide the following advantages:

Promotes Hair Growth

Rosemary water is known to stimulate hair follicles and improve blood circulation to the scalp. This encourages the growth of new hair and may reduce hair loss.

Strengthens Hair

The essential nutrients in rosemary water, such as iron, calcium, and vitamins, help strengthen the hair, reducing breakage and promoting overall hair health.

Reduces Dandruff and Itchiness

The antibacterial and antifungal properties of rosemary water can help combat dandruff and soothe an itchy scalp, leaving your hair feeling clean and refreshed.

Enhances Shine and Luster

Regular use of rosemary water can impart a natural shine and luster to your hair, making it look healthier and more attractive.

Prevents Premature Graying

The antioxidants in rosemary water can help combat oxidative stress, potentially delaying the onset of premature graying.

Improves Hair Texture

The conditioning properties of rosemary water can make your hair feel softer and more manageable.

How to make rosemary water for hair

How To Make Rosemary Water For Hair

Now that we’ve explored the benefits of rosemary water for hair, let’s learn how to make this natural hair treatment at home. You’ll need a few simple ingredients and some basic kitchen equipment.


  • Fresh rosemary sprigs (2-3 tablespoons)
  • Water (2 cups)
  • A saucepan with a lid
  • A fine mesh strainer
  • A glass or plastic container for storage


Step 1: Prepare the Rosemary

Start by washing the fresh rosemary sprigs to remove any dirt or impurities. You can use rosemary from your garden or purchase it from a grocery store. Be sure to use organic rosemary if possible.

Step 2: Boil the Water

In a saucepan, bring 2 cups of water to a boil. Make sure to use clean, filtered water for the best results.

Step 3: Add Rosemary

Once the water is boiling, add the washed rosemary sprigs to the saucepan. Reduce the heat to low, cover the pan with a lid, and let the rosemary steep in the simmering water for 15-20 minutes.

Step 4: Strain and Cool

After steeping, turn off the heat and allow the rosemary water to cool to room temperature. Once it’s cool, strain the liquid into a glass or plastic container using a fine mesh strainer to remove the rosemary leaves. You should be left with a clear, fragrant rosemary-infused water.

Step 5: Store

Secure the container with a lid and store your homemade rosemary water in the refrigerator. It can be used for up to two weeks.

How to make rosemary water for hair

how to make rosemary water for hair

How to Use Rosemary Water for Hair

Now that you have your homemade rosemary water, you may be wondering how to use it effectively to reap its benefits. Here are some tips and techniques for using rosemary water for your hair:

Pre-wash Treatment

Before shampooing your hair, dampen your scalp and hair with rosemary water. Gently massage it into your scalp for a few minutes to promote blood circulation. Let it sit for about 10-15 minutes, then proceed to wash and condition your hair as usual.

Hair Rinse

You can also use rosemary water as a final hair rinse after your regular shampoo and conditioner routine. Pour the rosemary water through your hair, making sure to cover your scalp and the entire length of your hair. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse it out with cold water. This will add shine and fragrance to your hair.

Leave-In Treatment

For a leave-in treatment, dilute rosemary water with an equal amount of water and pour it into a spray bottle. Spritz it onto your hair and scalp before styling. This can help nourish your hair throughout the day.


You can use rosemary water on your hair 2-3 times a week to see noticeable results. Consistency is key, so incorporate it into your hair care routine.

Additional Tips and Precautions

While rosemary water is generally safe and beneficial for hair, there are a few precautions and additional tips to keep in mind:

Patch Test

Before using rosemary water for the first time, perform a patch test on a small area of your skin to ensure you don’t have any adverse reactions or allergies.

Allergic Reactions

Some individuals may be allergic to rosemary. If you experience any itching, redness, or discomfort, discontinue use immediately.

Use Organic Rosemary

Whenever possible, opt for organic rosemary to avoid any chemicals or pesticides that may be present in conventionally grown herbs.

Consult a Dermatologist

If you have any underlying scalp conditions or concerns about using rosemary water, it’s advisable to consult a dermatologist or a healthcare professional.

Rosemary water is a natural and cost-effective way to promote hair growth and improve the health of your hair and scalp. With its antioxidant-rich properties and numerous benefits, it has become a popular choice among those seeking a holistic approach to hair care. By following the simple steps outlined in this guide and incorporating rosemary water into your hair care routine, you can enjoy the potential rewards of healthier, shinier, and more vibrant hair. Remember to be consistent, monitor any adverse reactions, and, if necessary, seek professional advice to achieve the best results in your hair care journey.


How to make rosemary water for hair How to make rosemary water for hair?